life, love, travels, and things without words to describe them...

pensamientos, observaciones, sueños...

this is an inspired attempt to share my ever expanding thoughts, observations and dreams as i continue to live, grow and work in the long, thin, never predictable country of chile.

miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2007

"buenos aires, mi querido..." revelacion dos.

right. so the only way i can think of to describe the second big thing i realized while in buenos aires is: it made it all worth it. not that it made up for the things i was unsure of or convinced me that everything was going to get better for my students or for the educational system in general... of course not. what i realized in buenos aires, after meeting so many interesting and inspiring people was the following: life is SO much bigger than me or my plans or my ideas. there's really a lot of ways i could explain this and to be honest it's not the first time i've realized this, but it really was one of those "ah ha!" sort of moments. this can be illustrated by such small things as more quality time with a girl who i had met at the Chile ETA orientation but who is placed waaay far in the north and thus i never see her. just one of those people that you get along with really well, same "onda", similar tastes, similar current situations, etc... so much so that it's almost a shame you don't live in the same city... or even close. or it could be big things. things that are so big that they're almost inexplicable. meeting someone that you feel like you've known forever... but yet never run out of things to talk about. someone who fits like few people in life ever fit. someone who challenges you as an intellectual, as a friend, as a professional, and as a person... on a whole other level. as i said, i can't really do it justice through a post on a blog... but it was incredible. i really could babble on for another paragraph or so, but i don't feel like that's necessary; it would only scratch the surface, and this is anything but superficial.

anyways, this sort of realization made me think a lot about other things too. about destiny and fate and God and all those deep things we sometimes get too busy to think about... see upcoming posts for other examples, but in summary it made me feel totally out of control... but in a really comforting way.

1 comentario:

Dave Joyce dijo...

Hi Nicole!

I realize that I haven't talked to you since the summer of 2004 when we were in Monterrey making fun of Dain's spanglish, BUT...

I wanted to let you know that I've been reading your blog (it sure is a small world thanks to facebook!) and I'm really enjoying hearing your stories. Although - I'm not gonna lie - I'm a little jealous. I wish I was having an adventure in latin america right about now!

I have a blogspot site myself, actually, so if you feel so inclined, you can visit it at Take care of yourself, and keep up the amazing work you're doing down there!

God Bless,
